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Night Routines to Reduce Dry Mouth at Bedtime

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Ready to hit the hay? The last thing you want to deal with when you settle down for the night is Dry Mouth. A nagging symptom of various diseases and medications, Dry Mouth can wake you up at night or make it harder to fall asleep. It’s helpful to know how to control this annoying and uncomfortable condition as quickly as possible so you can get a full night’s sleep and feel better the next day too.

Preparing for bedtime

What’s bedtime like at your house? Do you sit up with your laptop or watch TV in bed until it’s time for lights out? The first step to sleeping well, Dry Mouth or not, is good sleep hygiene. Try and go to bed at around the same time every day, so your body knows it’s time for sleep. Keep your bedroom cool and dark, to help your body stay asleep, and make it an electronics-free zone. That means removing TVs, cell phones, laptops and tablets. Your bedroom should be a dedicated sleep space.

You might also need to make a few tweaks to your bedtime oral health routine. We all brush our teeth twice daily with a fluoride toothpaste and floss every day, but what happens when you throw Dry Mouth into the mix? A lack of saliva can mean your teeth and gums are at a greater risk of tooth decay and gum disease. You can help counteract that by moisturizing your mouth before bed. Biotene Dry Mouth Oral Rinse effectively moisturizes and lubricates the mouth and can reduce the number of times you wake up from dry mouth.

Similarly, when it comes to brushing your teeth, you might try using Biotene Fresh Mint Toothpaste, which has been formulated not to irritate and helps protect against cavities.

You can also set up a humidifier in your bedroom to improve air moisture levels. This can be especially effective if you unconsciously breathe through your mouth rather than your nose when you’re sleeping. The added moisture in the air helps prevent your mouth from drying out. Another idea is to use nasal strips to open up your nostrils and encourage breathing through your nose instead of your mouth.

Other lifestyle factors to consider

Avoiding caffeine during afternoon and evening hours is important for two reasons. First, caffeine will prevent you from falling asleep easily and, second, caffeine exacerbates Dry Mouth – which could wake you up once you do get to sleep. While you’re at it, cut down on your alcohol intake too – alcohol dehydrates and that includes reducing your saliva.

Stay active – exercise will help you sleep better. Not only does it tire out your body physically, but it clears your mind so you’ll be less likely to lie awake thinking about all the things you have to do the next day. Finish your day with a warm, relaxing bath and a cup of herbal tea.

By staying healthy, trying a few of these helpful tips and keeping Biotene Gel on your nightstand, you could help manage your Dry Mouth symptoms before bed and throughout the night.

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